Lecture 20 Untreated Groups

Nick Huntington-Klein

March 12, 2019


  • Last time we discussed fixed effects, a prominent real-world causal inference method that sees a lot of use
  • Fixed effects is one way of closing many back doors at once by basically comparing individuals to themselves, across time
  • This is important given that, in a social science context, the idea that we can really measure and control for everything in a back door is often implausible
  • However, in many contexts, comparing people to themselves is not possible or desirable


  • Today we’ll be starting to talk about what are called policy evaluation methods
  • Where we have some treatment that has been applied to some people and not others
  • (or sometimes, more to some people and less to others)
  • And our goal is to figure out how we can compare the treated and the untreated in a way that makes sense
  • i.e., apples to apples

The Basic Problem

  • It’s common in the “treatment effects” world to refer to the treatment variable as D, which is binary (0 or 1)
  • Weird, I guess, but no reason not to stick with it. We want to identify D -> Y in this (simplified) diagram:


  • We’re going to start with a procedure called matching
  • Matching is actually much more common outside of economics than inside
  • But it’s something you’ll want to know if you end up in data science
  • Plus, it’s a good illustration of the concept here


  • The basic idea of matching is to remember: picking a sample where people have similar levels of W is one way of controlling for W
  • Well, why don’t we pick that sample intentionally?
  • We take our treated observations (D=1), look at their Ws, and pick non-treated observations with similar (or identical) values of W


  • This is just one way of controlling!
  • So, like when we were controlling with our explain-and-subtract method, in order for this to work we need to measure and match on all variables we need to control for to close back doors
  • Why do this when we can just do the other method?
  • Some nice statistical properties, other not-so-nice ones, conceptually simple. It’s not overwhelmingly better


  • There are many methods for matching.
  • What we’re going to do is first cover the basic concept
  • And then we will actually perform one variant of matching called Coarsened Exact Matching


Every matching estimator follows the same basic concept:

  1. Pick a set of variables W1, W2, etc., to match on
  2. Separate out the treated and untreated
  3. For each treated observation, check how “close” each untreated observation is on the matching variables
  4. Compare the average treated Y vs. the average untreated Y, counting untreated obs more heavily the closer they are

Many many many ways to do 3 and 4. Here’s one…

For example, Caliper Matching

  • In order to do a caliper match on a variable W, what you do is:
    1. Pick a caliper size a. The smaller it is, the closer the match, but the smaller your eventual sample is
    2. For each treated observation i, find all untreated observations for which their W is within a of W[i] (e.g. if a=.1 and the treated observation has W = 2, find the untreated observations with W >= 1.9 & W <= 2.1)
    3. Drop all untreated observations that don’t have a match (i.e. weight matched observations fully, drop unmatched ones completely)
    4. Compare the average Y across treatment

Caliper Matching

Coarsened Exact Matching

  • A relatively new entrant to the matching world is Coarsened Exact Matching. This is the one we’re going to actually do
  • I want to be very clear: this isn’t the best version of matching or anything like that
  • It’s just one that we can actually carry out with our current tools.
  • And it is pretty popular anywhere you have big data. Data science people sometimes call it looking for “doppelgangers”

Coarsened Exact Matching

  • The basic idea of Coarsened Exact Matching is that you only count someone as a match if they are the same as the treatment variable exactly, on every matching variable
  • This is of course impossible with continuous variables, so you split those into bins (“coarsening” them) first
  • Make sure to weight the untreated observations so each treated observation is matched to the same number of untreated ones
  • Bonus: this is the easiest way, in this class, to control for more than one variable

Coarsened Exact Matching

  • Let’s see if there’s a wage premium to being in a union
  • Of course, many back doors: different demographics, or more experienced workers, certain kind of jobs, or be more common in particular regions

Coarsened Exact Matching

  • So let’s compare union members to non-union members in the Panel Study of Income Dynamics from 1976-1982 that are EXACTLY THE SAME on:
  • Gender, years of experience, living in the south, blue-collar job, living in a city (SMSA), being married, being black, and years of education
  • Years of experience and years of education are continuous, so we’ll need to coarsen (cut()) them first

Coarsened Exact Matching


Wages <- Wages %>% mutate(ed.coarse = cut(ed,breaks=3),
                        exp.coarse = cut(exp,breaks=3))
#Split up the treated and untreated
union <- Wages %>% filter(union=='yes')
nonunion <- Wages %>% filter(union=='no') %>%
  #For every potential complete-match, let's get the average Y
           ind,south,smsa,married,sex,black) %>%
  summarize(untreated.lwage = mean(lwage))

Coarsened Exact Matching

  • join, aka merging, is how you can link up two data sets when they match on a list of variables, i.e. “exact matches”!
  • There are many flavors of join (see help(join)). The one we want is inner_join() which only keeps successful matches, both treated and untreated
union %>% inner_join(nonunion) %>%
  summarize(union.mean = mean(lwage),nonunion.mean=mean(untreated.lwage))
##   union.mean nonunion.mean
## 1   6.687606      6.571178
#Original union and nonunion counts, and matched union count
c(sum(Wages$union=='yes'),sum(Wages$union=='no'),nrow(union %>% inner_join(nonunion)))
## [1] 1516 2649 1274

Coarsened Exact Matching

  • 6.688 vs. 6.571 - not bad! A 0.116 difference
  • Which, since we used log wage, means a 11.6% wage bump for being in a union!
  • Compared to - and this is the whole point - a comparable “control” group

Control Groups

  • Remember, that’s the point of matching (and, really, controlling generally), to find the untreated observations that can serve as a control group to compare to our treated group
  • We can’t observe what would have happened in the counterfactual where they didn’t get treatment, but if we pick the most-comparable untreated group possible, that’s about as close as we can get!

Control Groups

  • And if we assume that the variables we picked are enough to block all the back doors, then picking a comparable (i.e. back-doors-closed) control group is exactly what we did!
  • It’s the same idea as our remove-explained-variation approach to controlling, but it’s more explicit about the idea that this is what we’re doing - constructing a “control group”

Control Groups

  • This basic concept turns out to be behind a lot of causal inference methods
  • Many involve variants on matching, like Propensity Score Matching, which matches on your estimated “propensity” to get treatment, or Inverse Probability Weighting, where we don’t drop you for not matching, we just downweight you, or Synthetic Control where you also match on outcomes from before treatment, and see how outcomes change after treatment is applied to just some of the groups
  • But there are also a lot that don’t use matching at all, and construct control groups in different ways

Control Groups

  • And we might need some other method, right? After all, with the methods for controlling for stuff we have, we have to measure everything, and that’s just not possible!
  • Fixed effects helped a little - they control for everything fixed about an individual, saving us a lot of trouble. But that doesn’t cover everything!
  • We ideally want to have some way of constructing a comparison group that doesn’t require us to measure everything

The Experimental Ideal

  • When we run a randomized experiment, we are basically making sure that, on average, the treated and control groups are exactly the same before we apply treatment
  • Not just on variables we measure, but also on variables we don’t!
  • Because we assigned it randomly, any given variable will be, on average, the same in the treated and control group
  • This is basically what we’re trying to mimic, and force to be the case, with matching. But we can only do it for what we observe

Natural Experiments

  • As we move forward, other approaches to picking control groups will have to do with trying to get even closer to this experimental ideal
  • Picking treatment and control groups in such a way that, in that context, assignment to treatment basically is random
  • When we manage to do this, find “random” experiments in observational data, we call this a natural experiment

Natural Experiments

  • You can think of natural experiments as trying to do matching without doing matching
  • A natural experiment is when you find a context, and potentially a subgroup, where the treatment and control groups are already matched, not just on what you can measure, but also on what you can’t
  • We will start with the first of these methods, called difference-in-difference, next time.


  • Does having kids in the house affect how much time you spend eating? Install and load the atus package, from the American Time Use Survey. Load the atusresp and atusact data sets.
  • Filter atusact to tiercode==110101 (eating and drinking). Then inner_join it with atusresp. Call the result eating and ungroup() it
  • Limit the data to dur, hh_child, labor_status, student_status, work_hrs_week, partner_hh, weekly_earn, tuyear
  • eating <- na.omit(eating) to nuke missing data
  • Get mean difference of dur by hh_child, matching on everything else, using cut(,breaks=5) for everything that’s not a factor.

Practice Answers

eating <- atusact %>% filter(tiercode==110101) %>% inner_join(atusresp) %>% ungroup() %>%
  select(dur, hh_child, labor_status, student_status, work_hrs_week, partner_hh, weekly_earn, tuyear) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  mutate(hrs.c = cut(work_hrs_week,breaks=5),earn.c = cut(weekly_earn,breaks=5),year.c = cut(tuyear,breaks=5))

kids <- filter(eating,hh_child=='yes')
nokids <- eating %>% filter(hh_child=='no') %>%
  group_by(hrs.c,earn.c,year.c,labor_status,student_status,partner_hh) %>%
  summarize(nokids.dur = mean(dur))
kids %>% inner_join(nokids) %>% summarize(kids.dur=mean(dur),nokids.dur=mean(nokids.dur))
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
##   kids.dur nokids.dur
##      <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1     68.0       71.9