Lecture 11: Simulating Data

Nick Huntington-Klein

February 12, 2019


  • Up to now, we’ve been looking at how to manipulate objects in R
  • And how to analyze data in R
  • Looking at the distributions of those variables
  • As well as how two variables relate to each other - dependence, correlation, explanation

And now!

  • What we’ll be moving into soon is how to use these tools so that we can take data and actually learn things
  • Today we’re going to get ready for that
  • How?
  • We’re going to learn some fake things
  • Via simulation, i.e. creating fake data


  • Why do this? Why not just use real data?
  • Because with real data, we don’t know what the right answer is
  • So if we do some method, and it gives us an answer, how do we know we did the method right?
  • Simulation lets us know the right answer so we can check whether or not we get that right answer
  • And if we do, we know the method works (at least in our fake scenario), so now we can apply it to some real data

The purpose of data analysis

  • When it comes down to it, what is the purpose of data analysis? Why do we work with data?
  • When we work with data, we have this idea that there exists a true model
  • The true model is the way the world actually works!
  • But we don’t know what that true model is

The purpose of data analysis

  • So that’s where the data comes in
  • The true model is what generated the data (the ‘data generating process’)
  • So by looking at the data, and incorporating what we think we know about the true model, we’re trying to work backwards to figure out what it is that generated that data - and that’s the true model!
  • With simulation, we know what generated the data and what the true model is. So we know the right answer and can check how close we get.


  • We’ve covered this example before
  • Let’s generate 501 coin flips
  • The true model will be that this will generate heads half the time and tails half the time
coins <- sample(c("Heads","Tails"),501,replace=T)


  • Now let’s take that data as given and analyze it in our standard way!
  • The proportion of heads is mean(coins=='Heads') =0.493014
  • And we can look at the distribution, as we would:


  • So what’s our conclusion?
  • We’d come to the conclusion that the true model generates heads 0.493014 of the time
  • .500 is correct, so pretty close! But not exact. Did this whole thing work or not?
  • What if it always errs on the same side? Then it’s not a good method at all!

Simulation in a Loop

  • We can go a step further by doing this simulation over and over again in a loop!
  • This will let us tell whether our method gets it right on average
  • And, when it’s wrong, how wrong it is!

Simulation in a Loop

#A blank vector to hold our results
propHeads <- c()

#Let's run this simulation 2000 times
for (i in 1:2000) {
  #Re-create data using the true model
  coinsdraw <- sample(c("Heads","Tails"),501,replace=T)
  #Re-perform our analysis
  result <- mean(coinsdraw=="Heads")
  #And store the result
  propHeads[i] <- result

#Let's see what we get on average
## ============================================================
## Statistic   N   Mean  St. Dev.  Min  Pctl(25) Pctl(75)  Max 
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## propHeads 2,000 0.500  0.022   0.427  0.485    0.515   0.589
## ------------------------------------------------------------

Simulation in a Loop

#And let's look at the distribution of our findings
plot(density(propHeads),xlab="Proportion Heads",main="Mean of 501 Coin Flips over 2000 Samples")

Simulation in a Loop

  • Now that’s pretty exact!
  • What are we learning here?
  • The method that we used (simply taking the proportion of heads) will, on average, give us the right answer (.5). Good! Now, if we’re interested in a similar case in the real world, we can apply this method.
  • Keeping in mind that in any given sample that we actually observe, it might be a little off.

Now Imagine

  • Imagine we didn’t know the answer was .5. What would have happened?
  • Wonder “what proportion of the time will a coin be heads?” (what is the true model?)
  • Collect data on coin flips
  • Perform our analysis method - take proportion of heads, and get 0.493014
  • Come to the conclusion that the true model is that the coin produces heads 0.493014 of the time.
  • We wouldn’t be dead on, but on average we’d be right!

Generating Other Kinds of Data

  • We can use sample() as before to pick random data from different categories like Heads and Tails, or integers (say, 1:10)
  • R also has a whole buncha functions to generate random data from other kinds of distributions. See help(Distributions).
  • We will focus on two:
  • The uniform distribution assigns equal probablity to each value in its range (default 0 to 1)
  • The normal distribution is a bell curve - observations near the mean are very common, observations far away from the mean very rare

Generating uniform data

  • runif(thismanyobs,min,max) will draw thismanyobs observations from the range of min to max.
  • runif(thismanyobs) will assume min=0 and max=1
uniformdata <- runif(5)
## [1] 0.1267818 0.8207126 0.2619525 0.4291249 0.1961915

Generating Uniform Data

uniformdata <- runif(2000)
hist(uniformdata,xlab="Random Value",main="Distribution of Random Data from Uniform Distribution",probability=TRUE)

Generating Uniform Data

  • Good for variables that should be bounded - “percent male” can only be 0-1
  • Gives even probability of getting each value

Generating Normal data

  • rnorm(thismanyobs,mean,sd) will draw thismanyobs observations from a normal distribution with mean mean and standard deviation sd
  • rnorm(thismanyobs) will assume mean=0 and sd=1
normaldata <- rnorm(5)
## [1] -2.2990547  0.1119890 -0.3365734  2.2590853 -0.7877652

Generating Normal Data

normaldata <- rnorm(2000)
hist(normaldata,xlab="Random Value",main="Distribution of Random Data from Normal Distribution",probability=TRUE)

Generating Normal Data

  • Good for many ‘real-worldy’ variables - height, intellect, log income, education level
  • Especially when those distributions tend to be tightly packed around the mean!
  • Less good for variables with huge huge outliers, like stock market returns

Let’s Simulate!

  • Let’s expand our use of simulation to simulate the relationship between two variables
  • We can do this by using one variable to build another (note that I draw 400 random genders, and add to them 400 random normals)
# 400 people equally likely to be M or F
simdata <- tibble(gender = sample(c("Male","Female"),400,replace=T)) %>%
  # Height is normally distributed with mean 5.5 and sd 1
  #and men are .9 of a foot taller
  mutate(heightft = .9*(gender == "Male")+rnorm(400,5.5))
simdata %>% group_by(gender) %>% summarize(height = mean(heightft))
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   gender height
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 Female   5.45
## 2 Male     6.42

Two Variable Simulation

  • We get in our simulation that men are on average 0.9730581 taller than women.
  • The true data-generating process is that heightft is a normal variable with mean 5.5, plus .9 if you’re male

Two variable simulation

  • So does checking for the difference of means give us back the difference in height from the data-generating process? Let’s loop!
heightdiff <- c()
for (i in 1:2500) {
  simdata <- tibble(gender = sample(c("Male","Female"),400,replace=T)) %>%
    mutate(heightft = .9*(gender == "Male")+rnorm(400,5.5))
  heightdiff[i] <- mean(filter(simdata,gender=="Male")$heightft)-

## =============================================================
## Statistic    N   Mean  St. Dev.  Min  Pctl(25) Pctl(75)  Max 
## -------------------------------------------------------------
## heightdiff 2,500 0.903  0.101   0.564  0.836    0.970   1.245
## -------------------------------------------------------------

Another Example

  • So far, no problem, right? Everything works out. And, I mean, of course it does.
  • Of course the average number of heads in a sample will on average be 50%.
  • So what can we actually learn here?
  • It may help to see an example where we get the wrong answer

Another Example

# Is your company in tech? Let's say 30% of firms are
df <- tibble(tech = sample(c(0,1),500,replace=T,prob=c(.7,.3))) %>%
  #Tech firms on average spend $3mil more defending IP lawsuits
  mutate(IP.spend = 3*tech+runif(500,min=0,max=4)) %>%
  #Tech firms also have higher profits. But IP lawsuits lower profits
  mutate(log.profit = 2*tech - .3*IP.spend + rnorm(500,mean=2))
# Now let's check for how profit and IP.spend are correlated!
## [1] 0.2088494
  • Uh-oh! Truth is negative relationship, but data says positive!!

Another Example

  • Maybe just a fluke? Let’s loop.
IPcorr <- c()
for (i in 1:1000) {
  df <- tibble(tech = sample(c(0,1),500,replace=T,prob=c(.7,.3))) %>%
    mutate(IP.spend = 3*tech+runif(500,min=0,max=4)) %>%
    mutate(log.profit = 2*tech - .3*IP.spend + rnorm(500,mean=2))
  IPcorr[i] <- cor(df$log.profit,df$IP.spend)

## ============================================================
## Statistic   N   Mean  St. Dev.  Min  Pctl(25) Pctl(75)  Max 
## ------------------------------------------------------------
## IPcorr    1,000 0.141  0.040   0.020  0.113    0.169   0.299
## ------------------------------------------------------------

What’s Happening?

  • A graph might help

What’s Happening?

  • A graph might help

Simpson’s Paradox

  • Here we have a true negative relationship - we know it’s in the true model!
  • But when we plot it out, it’s positive
  • It’s clear what’s happening - WITHIN tech companies and non-tech companies, IP spend is negatively correlated with profit
  • But because tech companies have higher IP spend and higher profit, they’re positively correlated!
  • This is known as “Simpson’s Paradox” and shows up in many places

Simpson’s Paradox

  • So our method (looking at the correlation between them) doesn’t work!
  • The simulation has shown us that we’d get it wrong if we do this, because our analysis method doesn’t correct for what tech is doing here.
  • We need to have some way of incorporating what we know about tech
  • Taking what we might know about the true model - that firm type has something to do with this, and adjusting so we get the right answer
  • This sort of thinking is what we’ll be getting into after the midterm.


  • Use the prob option in sample to generate 300 coin flips weighted to be 55% heads. Calculate heads prop.
  • Loop it 2000 times. How often will you correctly claim that the coin is more than 50% heads?
  • Create dat: 1500 obs of married (0 or 1), educ (unif 0 to 16, plus 2*married), log.wage (normal mean 5 plus .1*educ plus 2*married)
  • Loop it 1000 times and calculate cor between educ and log.wage each time.
  • It’s positive - does that mean it’s right? If not, how do you know?
  • Use plot and then points to plot the married==0 and married==1 data in different colors.

Practice Answers

co <- sample(c("Heads","Tails"),300,replace=T,prob=c(.55,.45))

headsprop <- c()
for (i in 1:2000) {
  co <- sample(c("Heads","Tails"),300,replace=T,prob=c(.55,.45))
  headsprop[i] <- mean(co=="Heads")
mean(headsprop > .5)

educCor <- c()
for (j in 1:1000) {
  dat <- tibble(married=sample(0:1,1500,replace=T)) %>%
    mutate(educ = 2*married + runif(1500,0,16)) %>%
    mutate(log.wage = .1*educ + 2*married + rnorm(1500,5))
  educCor[j] <- cor(dat$educ,dat$log.wage)
#This is still wrong - we're ignoring what married does, and so OVERSTATING the correlation

     ylab="Log Wages")
#Note the xlim and ylim options so we aren't cut off.