Lecture 15: Interactive Visuals in R

Nick Huntington-Klein

14 March, 2023


  • Y’know, back in my day we had static images and gosh darnit we appreciated what we had!!!
  • These days, it’s sort of expected that a lot of visuals are interactive, especially dashboards
  • Thankfully there are some straightforward ways to make interactive visuals in R
  • Note that these will all be reliant on HTML. You won’t be able to output these to Word or PDF etc.


Three main approaches we’ll take today:

  • htmlwidgets, focusing on leaflet (maps), DT (tables), and dygraphs (line graphs and time series)
  • ggiraph for interactivity via tooltip closely tied to ggplot2
  • shiny controls in our flexdashboard dashboards

But of course there is a universe of other stuff


  • htmlwidgets is a set of R front-ends for a bunch of different JavaScript-based visualization packages
  • We can stroll through the gallery here
  • There are many, but I’ll focus on just a few to recommend:
  • leaflet for maps, DT for tables, and dygraphs for line graphs and time series


  • Let’s do an easy one first. DT makes tables interactive. No futzin’
iris %>% vtable(out = 'return', lush = TRUE) %>% datatable()


  • For plotting time series data as a line graph! Requires time series data (xts) input
ggplot2::economics %>% tbl2xts::tbl_xts(cols_to_xts = 'uempmed') %>%
  dygraph(ylab = 'Unemployment Rate and the 08-09 recession', height = 300) %>% dyShading(from = '2008-07-01', to = '2009-07-01')


  • Leaflet is for making maps. It’s quite easy (and while not ggplot2-compatible, functions in a similar way to ggplot2 in a lot of ways), especially since it lets you skip the hardest part of graphing maps: messing with shapefiles
  • Shapefiles are basically the data of the map itself, and you have to find it, download it, and then deal with the eight zillion different file formats and converting between them
  • It’s definitely possible, and not even all that bad once you’ve done a few (and there are plenty of resources out there for working with, say, ggmap or geom_polygon) but also you can just skip that with leaflet
  • (also, just a heads up, but the Excel map-making tool is also pretty neat and doesn’t require shapefiles)


  • The example uses location markers, but area/polygons work too (or a dataset of entries so you don’t have to put them in one at a time)
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = -122.3172284009, lat = 47.6105934921, popup = 'Seattle University', color = '#AA0000') %>%
  addCircleMarkers(lng = -122.303200, lat = 47.655548, popup = 'University of Washington', color = '#363C74')



  • Plotly is a big confusing graphing system of its very own that you have to learn from the ground up
  • Or you can just use the ggplotly() function in plotly to immediately turn your ggplot interactive
  • It’s not super flexible but it is fast
  • You lose control over some stuff - tooltips, legends


  • Shouldn’t we just be able to make an interactive ggplot2 graph? Yes!
  • ggiraph slots super easily in to standard ggplot2 usage, and adds interactivity
  • It’s not fully interactive but it adds highlighting and tooltips, which often is all you need
  • Just replace the geometry with an _interactive version and add a tooltip aesthetic. That’s it!


p <- ggplot2::economics %>% mutate(tooltip = paste0(date, '\n', scales::percent(uempmed/100, accuracy = .1))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = uempmed)) + geom_line() + labs(x = 'Date', y = 'Unemployment Rate') + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) scales::percent(x/100, accuracy = 1)) +
  geom_point_interactive(aes(tooltip = tooltip), size = .5) + 
  theme_classic() + theme(text = element_text(family = 'serif', size = 13))
ggiraph(ggobj = p)


Making a tooltip

  • It’s generally a good idea with ggiraph to make the tooltip by hand.
  • You can do this by mutateing a new variable where you paste0() all the information you want together, using \n to break lines
p <- iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% summarize(`Sepal Length` = mean(Sepal.Length)) %>%
  mutate(tooltip = paste0('Species: ', stringr::str_to_title(Species), '\nAverage Sepal Length: ', `Sepal Length`)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Species, y = `Sepal Length`, tooltip = tooltip)) + 
  geom_col_interactive(fill = 'firebrick') + 
ggiraph(ggobj = p)

ggiraph downsides

  • Line graphs are a bit tricky, but you can also easily overlay a geom_point_interactive on top of a geom_line
  • While it works great out of the box in a memo, getting the sizing right inside of a flexdashboard isn’t automatic, and in particular it doesn’t like fitting in very wide dashboard spaces
  • You can adjust the width with either width or width_svg and height_svg in the ggiraph() function, but it’s not perfect
  • Or just put it in a squarish space


  • shiny is a way of making RMarkdown completely interactive. You can basically build web apps with it in a very straightforward way
  • shiny output can even be stored for free (with limited traffic access) on shinyapps.io
  • While there’s a dedicated shiny environment for programming with complete flexibility, we’ll focus on the kind that’s easy to slot into a flexdashboard by adding runtime: shiny at the top


  • shiny gives us the ability to put interactive controls on our dashboard (selectors, etc.)
  • And then in render or reactive() functions, we can make our analysis update based on the controls!
  • So for one example, maybe there’s a dropdown menu to pick a brand: Pepsi or Coke, and once you select it, the graphs update to only show Pepsi or Coke

Shiny and flexdashboard


  • What kinds of inputs can we have?
  • Dropdown menu (selectInput), a slider (sliderInput), radio buttons (radioButtons), text (textInput), numbers (numericInput), a checkbox (checkboxInput), dates or date ranges (dateInput and dateRangeInput) and file upload (fileInput)
  • For each, there are options for layout and the available choices.
  • Let’s look at one in more detail, selectInput


  • This could be well used to, for example, choose which of many ways to look at the data, or which variable to graph, or which subset of the data to look at
  • The syntax is selectInput(inputID, label, choices, selected = NULL, multiple = FALSE, selectize = TRUE, width = NULL, size = NULL)
  • (the = parts are just the defaults)


  • The inputID is the slot in input$ where the result will be stored. so with inputID = 'subset', you can later use input$subset to know what was selected. That’s not what the user sees for a title though, they see label
  • choices are the options, with default selected, in a standard vector format. So maybe to choose whether to graph independent or chain restaurants, choices = c('Choose Restaurant Type' = '', 'Independent','Chain')
  • multiple determines whether multiple options can be selected
  • Then the minute details


  • You can include output to be updated as the options change with renderPlot() (for plots), renderPrint() (for any object being printed / shown on its own), renderTable() for tables of data, and renderText() for actual text output.
  • Inside of these functions we just take a regular plot / object / data table / text, refer to elements from the sidebar with input$inputID, wrap that in {}, and wrap THAT in the appropriate render function


(Using fake data) in the global chunk: library(tidyverse) and data(RestaurantData). In the sidebar column, an R chunk with:

selectInput('restaurantType', label = 'Type of Restaurant', choices = choices = c('Choose Restaurant Type' = '','Independent','Chain'))


And then in the next column,

  RestaurantType %>% filter(type == input$restaurantType)

This will show a table of all the data, letting you pick whether to show independent or chain restaurants.


  • Let’s see the example dashboard I have here and also the example code.
  • I have used the mtcars data we’ve used many times before
  • I’ve included a geom_bar(stat='summary',fun = 'mean') graph summarizing the mean of a variable by the type of transmission
  • But I let you pick the variable! (with selectInput) (Hint: use aes_string to input a string variable to ggplot2, this means everything must be a string in it)
  • And also the color scheme (with textInput). Note if you put in something that’s not a color (which I check with %in% colors()) it will correct to black.

The global chunk

  • Code in a shiny dash really comes in three parts: the global chunk, and then (as we’ve covered) the sidebar and the main part
  • Everything in global will only be run once, very handy and speedy for when you change a control!
  • Put as much as possible - everything that won’t need to be updated when a control changes - in the global chunk

Dynamic Documents

  • We’re not going to do it in this class, but a nice heads up is that you can use shiny and flexdashboard to create automatic documents
  • The params argument in the YAML can take in inputs
  • And you can set whatever settings you want on your dashboard and hit a button to make it create a customized report in RMarkdown using those settings!
  • Huge time-saver, either for documents to be created automatically or for creating a frontend for people at your company to easily create customized reports
  • Alternate extra credit opportunity for this class: Make an automatic report generator


  • Open a new flexdashboard
  • Set runtime: shiny
  • Rename that setup chunk global and load up data(storms).
  • Add a selectInput() to select a status
  • Make some graph that only uses the data from that status
  • Then make it a ggiraph!